(877) 311- 4277 --- 15600 Devonshire Street, Suite #203, Granada Hills, CA --- support@calmedtc.com

IV Therapy & Blood Withdrawal Hands-On Skills Class

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Course Description

This class is an excellent opportunity for Students, RNs, Paramedics, and other healthcare providers, such as previously certified LVNs, to refine and refresh their skills with IV insertions and withdrawing blood.

Students will first perform IV insertions and Blood Withdrawals on the mannikins, followed by live IV insertions and Blood Withdrawals, as agreed upon with consenting classmates (students may bring a proxy for live practice). 

Course Description

      • Theory refresher, followed by practice on manikin arms/hands, then live sticks with classmates
      • Tips and Tricks of PIV (Peripheral IV) starts
      • IV & Blood Withdrawal techniques 
      • Includes review of human body anatomy & functions, electrolytes and fluids, IV solution concentrations, IV preparation, vein selection and live practice.

Course Content

Theory Content prior to skills practice

      • Psychological preparation of the patient 
      • Universal precautions for infection control 
      • Preparation and immobilization of the venipuncture site 
      • Regulation of the fluid flow 

Clinical Content 

      •    Methods of blood withdrawal
      •    Venipuncture 
      •    Skin puncture 
      •    Selection of appropriate method 
      •    Safety measures 
      •    Possible complications 
      •    Preparation of withdrawal sites 
      •    Preparation of equipment for intravenous therapy and blood withdrawal 
      •    Safety factors 
      •    Choice of vein 
      •    Choice of device for intravenous therapy and blood withdrawal 
      •    Techniques of venipuncture 
      •    Skin puncture practice
      •    Preparation of site 
      •    Preparation of equipment 
      •    Universal precautions for infection control

Intended Audience

      • This course is an excellent opportunity to refine and refresh your skills and/or verify your skills with your employer.
      • RNs, students, Phlebotomists, Oral Surgery Assistants, EMTs, Dentists, & other healthcare providers
      • This one-day course is not for LVN IVBW Certification





Class Price

  • $150 (includes all supplies and Certificate of Completion)
  • Eligible discounts will not show on your receipt after registration until we apply the eligible discount amount on the day of class.
  • If you have a group of 2 or more, enter Promo Code “Group” for a $10 discount for each student, and we will process a $10 refund on the day of class.
  • If enrolling for a Package Deal, we will apply eligible discounts and process a partial refund on the day of class.


Course Duration

  • 1-day hands-on skills class
  • 4-5 hours
  • There is no exam; students may leave early, once they feel confident and competent with their skills


Course Completion


Certificate of Course Completion (Healthcare Providers)


This Course is Eligible for Group and Package Deal Discounts

Meet Your Lead Instructor

Kimmie, your instructor, is a Registered Nurse who cares for neonatal patients in the NICU at a local acute care facility. Her past experience includes working in the telemetry unit with adults and geriatrics. She looks forward to meeting her students, is very patient, and enjoys sharing her tips and tricks for starting IVs and drawing blood.


Will I become certified?

You will not become certified after taking the 1-day skills class. however, you will receive a Certificate of Completion, showing competency with IV Therapy & Blood Withdrawal procedures, which may be useful for your resume, and/or verifying your skills with your employer. This course will not certify a non-healthcare provider as a phlebotomist – phlebotomy is a different course, which we do not teach.

If you are an LVN or student LVN you will need the 3-day course to become certified with the BVNPT. We do not offer the 3-day course.


What is the difference between the one-day and three-day class?

If you are an LVN or LVN student, you should take the three-day class, because the three-day class class will certify you with the BVNPT. Other professions may choose the take the one-day class. The one-day class is normally about 4 hours in duration and includes a comparable amount of hands-on skills practice (mannikins and live skills with classmates) as in the three-day class, there are a normally smaller number of students in class, but it does not cover theory in such depth as in the three-day class, as required by the BVNPT for LVNs. We do not offer the three-day course for LVNs. LVNs are welcome to take our one-day class to practice and refine their skills, but will not become certified with the BVNPT. 

I have some experience with IV therapy & blood withdrawal. Which class should I take?

For RNs, RN students, or others who only need hands-on skills practice and a Certificate of Completion, we recommend the 1-day class.

Will I get CEU (Continuing Education Hours) for renewing my license?

Since the 1-day class is a skills class (not a lecture/theory/didactic type class), CEs are not available.

I am an EMT or phlebotomist (CPT-1 or CPT-2). Can I take the class, and if so, can I take the one-day class? Will I become certified in IV therapy, then be able to start IVs, infuse medications, and draw blood after completing the class?

Phlebotomists and EMTs may take the course and will receive a Certificate of Completion, showing knowledge and competency with IVBW skills, but will not become certified. Only LVNs can be certified after taking a 3-day course. The one-day class focuses primarily on hands-on skills (not theory), and the three-day class, whihc we do not offer, includes in-depth theory, along with hands-on skills. Be sure to check with your employer/medical director for guidance regarding your scope of practice and guidelines with starting IVs, infusing medications, and drawing blood, and if approved to do so at your place of employment.

I am an RN or RN student/new grad. Should I take the the one-day or the three-day class?
RN or RN students/new grads and all others (except LVNs who need BVNPT certification) may take the one-day class. 
The 1-day class is normally about 4 hours in duration and includes a comparable amount of hands-on skills practice (mannikins and live skills with classmates) as in the 3-day class. The primary focus of the one-day class is hands-on skills.


Schedules & Registration

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